Today's blog is a simple one, if you've got questions, I've probably got answers.
At Toastmasters, Table Topics is my favorite portion of the meeting. If you're not familiar, this is how it works. The person leading Table Topics will have a list or box of questions, the participant comes up to the stage/front of the room and picks a number or card and the Table Topics Master reads the question. The participant then answers the question, aiming to speak off the cuff for 1-2 minutes. I love the challenge of having no idea what I'm about to be asked and then having to create an engaging response on the spot. It is exhilarating!
So, that's my inspiration for this blog today. Whether it's a question related to the work I do or you're just curious about me, post the question in the comments below. Some questions could very well become their own blog, maybe their own podcast! If you ask something about me, I hope you'll share a bit about you too, not a requirement but would be fun for me! (ex. if you ask what my favorite book is, I'd love for you to tell me yours too!)
So go ahead, ask me somethin'!
Thinking about going vegan?
If you're interested in going vegan and would like expert guidance, check out my Vegan Voyage 12 week one on one coaching program. We go deep and get into a lot of what I've mentioned above and more. Each week builds upon the last so you're regularly implementing and taking actions where at the end of the 12 weeks you'll be confident in your choice to have adopted a vegan lifestyle, nourish yourself - body, mind, and soul, and address any comments or questions from those in your life who haven't yet made the switch. Get more info here and schedule a free discovery call here to connect with me and see if this program is a good fit.
My question for you is why did you become a Vegan? How long have you been one. Is your family as well or do they eat Meat?
Oh, fun! Okay my question is what are your spiritual beliefs? I am a hippie Jesus follower, with a progressive faith, myself.
Cool idea! Here's my question to you: If one is a vegan, can that person eat something like, for example, meat to get other nutrients not found in veggies alone and be more healthy? - Danwil Reyes
ok, question- question....hhmmm....give me a moment.....Ok, I'll start by answering my question to lead you into my question for you. As an inspiring photographer years ago who wanted to photograph animals for editorial, commercial, and artistic purposes I was introduced to the photographer William Wegman back in college, by my professor then. A few years later while attending another class I had to give a 15-20 minute speech on one of my favorite photographers and I choose Mr Wegman. Well, I went into NYC ironically I traveled from Western Mass (where he was from to where he currently lives in NYC - not far from Long Island where I was born raised and currently live) to interview him. When…
What a fun idea! Here's my question for you: if you were an animal, what would you be - and why?