In January, I wrote a blog about my Word of the Year, you can read that here. My word for 2023 is commit and I thought I would revisit it, now that we've just about completed 4 whole months of this year! How is my commitment going, let's see...
One of the commitments I made was to my podcast. Engaging with interesting guests and staying consistent with the process. From connecting with awesome vegans to working out schedules, then editing, and scheduling, podcasting is no easy feat. I have stayed committed and a new episode has posted every Monday since January 2. Not only have I kept that commitment, I'm having so much fun doing it, and really, isn't that the point?
I have also kept the commitment to 2 Healing Circles each month, I really love doing these. If you are interested in meditation and visualization practices and/or reiki, you definitely want to check out one of these circles. The next one is coming up on Wednesday, May 3rd. Sign up here.
My one on on coaching package is available and I am now working on making that a group option as well. So, if you're looking for guidance on going vegan but prefer working in a group, stay tuned! If you're curious about the types of things we cover in my program The Vegan Voyage, you can read more about that here.
I am feeling pretty good about the commitments I've made so far and my dedication to them. Looking ahead I am adding in a focus on growing my listenership, the vegans I speak to are so awesome and doing so many incredible things I want as many people as possible to hear their stories. Looking for some shorter episodes you can dive right into? Check out Flamingo and 4 tips to going vegan. Did You Bring the Hummus is available here on my website and on your favorite podcast app.
Interested in vegan travel? What about what Christianity says about eating animals? How about Judaism? Curious about health? I've got a few for that! Ania, Laura, and Jason, all have great tips and stories to get you inspired. Looking for more of a business angle? Check out The Content Doctor, Sandra Nomoto, or Digital Media expert Sam Tucker. Is food where your interest lies? I mean, what do vegans even eat, anyway? Tune into Brigitte or Adam's episodes. Planting a garden this season? Yeah, there's an episode for that. Looking for inspiration from the heart? Maya, Martin, and Shabari have you covered!
No matter what interests you most, each one of these guests shares powerful personal stories of transformation and finding in their hearts what matters to them most. You're sure to find inspiration from each one of these episodes. Please share this podcast with the people in your life you think need to hear it, would love to hear it, or maybe just like podcasts and are always looking for something new.
I feel so lucky to be able to share my voice and the voices of others with the world.
Thanks for listening.
Do you have a favorite episode? If you haven't listened yet, which one will you check out first? Tell me in the comments below.
Upcoming Healing Circles: Wednesday, 5/3 and Sunday, 5/21 at 8pm EDT via Zoom. It's a beautiful hour for you to tune in, tune out, or anything in between! Energy Exchange: $22
Thinking about exploring veganism but you're wondering what the heck you're supposed to eat or wear or what it all really means?
Check out my Vegan Voyage 12 week one on one coaching program. We go deep. Each week builds upon the last so you're regularly implementing and taking actions where by the end of the 12 weeks you'll be confident in your choice to have adopted a vegan lifestyle, nourish yourself - body, mind, and soul, and address any comments or questions from those in your life who haven't yet made the switch. Get more info here and schedule a free call here to connect with me and see if this program is a good fit.
If you are looking for this kind of help but in a group program, I am pulling that together now to share soon, so book that free call linked above and put "group coaching" in the notes section.
All sessions, group and one on one, are offered via Zoom. In these programs, I have combined my 20+ years navigating life in a non-vegan world with coach training and healing modalities and have pulled it all together to help you become a confident vegan in 90 days, not bad, right?
sounds Like you have been very busy this year with lots of various vegan subjects covered on your podcast. Keep going and stay ‘Committed’.
Congratulations on following through on your word of the year. You have a plan that you are building on moving forward. I hope to make a few more strides on my word over the next quarter!
Excellent job! this goes to show that people should do what they love - so much easier to make goals and committments happen! Congrats, keep it up!