On Wednesday night mid that night's recording of Jeopardy, our power went out. It had been stormy all day and the wind had definitely picked up. Despite the fact that we lose power a couple of times a year usually due to downed trees during a storm, we never bought a generator. In our defense, most times, the power is out for a few hours, not a few days so we always convince ourselves it's not worth the cost. Our power was out until Friday but was thankfully back ahead of Smackdown and the beginning of Wrestlemania Weekend.
Before we get to Wrestlemania though, we had an earthquake here in New Jersey on Friday morning. I was sitting in my freezing cold bedroom (no power = no heat - it was 52 degrees in the house that morning) when the house began to shake. The rumbling that accompanied the shaking was so loud and sounded like it was coming from inside the house, my immediate thought was that something was about to explode. Daisy ran under the bed immediately, when I went downstairs our other 3 cats were hiding as well and the sound now seemed to be coming from outside. As things quieted down, JP went outside, there were some neighbors outside as well, all collectively asking, what the hell was that?! I was relived to know it wasn't that our house was going to explode. The earthquake didn't last very long but it definitely felt like minutes, not seconds.
I learned that the largest fault line on the East Coast runs through NJ, the Ramapo Fault Line. Here's some info on the fault line from The Earth Center at Columbia University.
Were you keeping up with March Madness? I'm pretty new to watching college basketball but the women's teams are SO much fun to watch. My father-in-law is a big UConn Huskies fan so we were definitely rooting for them to go all the way, it was heartbreaking to watch that loss. So, we decided to root for Iowa and well, that didn't turn out the way we had hoped either!
I know for certain that when some people read the title of this blog they will scoff at the fact that I mentioned Wrestlemania and pass some judgement while others will be very excited and want to talk about it with me. One of the things I love about professional wrestling or sports entertainment (depending on who you ask) is how it brings together so many different types of people. The other thing that's so great about it is the story-telling, especially lately. I'm a #codycrybaby and was very excited to see if he would get to finish his story, which he did. His winning the title didn't just seem like a great opportunity for Cody but also a nod to the Rhodes family legacy, which, had largely been ignored under Vince's reign. It's also really fun when you get to witness the unexpected emotion, like this call from Ring Announcer Samantha Irvin after Cody's win.
For those following along with the Ultimate Blog Challenge, this blog is a list of the reasons why I haven't posted a blog since Tuesday! I'm back now, let's see what else this month brings!
Tell me what you've been up to for the last few days in the comments below. If you watched Wrestlemania this weekend what was your favorite moment?
My son lives in Philly and he texted me right after the earthquake. They felt it too, but not like you all did in NJ. We are in Texas, so it was his first experience with something like that! (I did ask him if he was ready to move back to TX, but the earthquake didn't dissuade him!) - Angie
No power than an earthquake, WOW! Speaking of Wrestlemania, I was never into that Rich and our oldest daughter watched it religiously!
this is so much fun to watch actually!!!!!!! I also like weird sports. tomorrow I have planned a post about it in fact :) but I guess it's so much fun. Hope you get electricity back in a stable way.
I was on a zoom call with about 30 people when I heard a loud sound like horses gallopping down the hall. Then my house started shaking violently and I knew it was an earthquake. Nobody hurt, Nothing broken.
Eh spoiler alert😳