Day 30! We made it! Today is the last day of the April Ultimate Blog Challenge. I did set out to post 30 blogs in 30 days but I did miss a few. Remember when I didn't have power for a few days and then we had an earthquake?! Yeah, I missed a couple of days there. Then, I lost a dear friend and wrote about him and my grief for a while.
We then moved into Earth Week, you know I love to share lots of Earth Day related blogs leading up to April 22 every time I do one of the April UBCs. If you missed any of them, here are the links
Since Season 5 of my podcast kicked off on Earth Day, Monday blog's are all about that week's episode. If you love stories, be sure to check out my chat with storytelling consultant, Katrina Fox.
Curious about the podcast? You can find Did You Bring the Hummus wherever you get your podcasts and here on my website.
Congratulations to my fellow UBCers! I've enjoyed reading your blogs and interacting with you on mine. Thank you for your support!
To my readers, thanks so much for checking in, reading, and interacting with these blogs. Much like I love speaking but never expected to host a podcast, I love writing but never expected to write a blog but I'm really glad I do.
Blogs will go from daily to weekly until the next UBC in July. Keep checking in and as always, let me know if there is something you want me to write about!
It’s been an intense month on many levels. It was a pleasure reconnecting with you
Be well, until soon!
If though you missed a few, you are still a winner! Congratulations on another UBC wrapped up. (I have almost the same title on my blog today!) I've enjoyed reading her blogs but have so many to catch up on over next month. I'll be checking your weekly blogs until next UBC.
It was a fun UBC month! I will have to go back and read a few of your posts I missed -- like about the earthquake! Wow! Also -- I'm sorry about the loss of your friend. - Angie