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Public Speaking for Activists 101

A new program for activists at the start of their speaking journey

This program is for you if:

  • You have a lot to say about doing the right thing the right way and it's important that the world hears your message 

  • You're finding that your approach so far hasn't been effective

  • You freeze when you get on stage, you struggle to manage your emotions, or, you simply can't find the right words


Click the "Book Your Free Call Now" button to schedule time to talk through what you need and determine if I'm the right person to help you navigate this journey.


Guest Speaker
Motivational Speaker

 “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” 

- Elie Wiesel

In your sessions we will cover

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Why I can help you

The first time I remember being paralyzed with fear while trying to speak to a group came in English class during my Senior Year of High School. I was prepared and knew my material, but when I got up in front of the class, I made a weird squeak in my throat and that was it. I stood there, wanting so badly to say something, to just get started while the lump in my throat grew and grew. I stood for what felt like eternity. Eventually, the teacher told me to go back to my seat. 


For years after, I refused to participate in anything that required presenting to a group. It held me back in so many ways. Then, I went vegetarian and I had something I really wanted to talk to people about. Then I went vegan and I really, really had something I wanted to share. In 2018, I found Toastmasters and the world opened up in a whole new way. I was building confidence, I was around people who were interested in what I had to say, I was learning how to structure speeches, and receiving invaluable feedback on how to keep growing and improving as a speaker.


Since 2018 I have served in various leadership roles at my Toastmasters club including Vice President of Education and Vice President of Membership. I am currently serving as President for the second time. I have given more than 30 speeches and have hosted vegan-focused talks in-person and online. I also host the international vegan podcast, Did You Bring the Hummus, a direct result of a public speaking project. 


Now, when I get up in front of a group, I am elated to speak to and engage with them. I feel so at home and so much like my fullest self. I want that for you too. That's why I created this program for activists. I know what it's like to have a burning desire to inspire others to take action in their own lives. Together, we'll get you there. I can't wait to see what you do. 

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