What are my options?
Live Zoom Class - Veganize It! How to Veganize your Favorite Animal Based Recipe. Classes held monthly and upon request for group bookings.
What we'll do:
Class 1:
I'll explain how I veganized my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe and will provide information about common vegan substitutions.
Each attendee will have the opportunity to discuss their recipe, everyone will leave the class with a vegan version of their recipe in hand.
We'll have time at the end to address any additional questions.
You then have 1 week to test out the veganized recipe. If you are happy with the new recipe, great, bring another recipe to class 2. If not, we'll re-work the recipe.
Class 2:
We discuss your recipes from Class 1, make adjustments as needed and veganize a second recipe as noted above.
What to bring:
Your favorite recipe
Something to write on and with
An open mind and an open-heart
The class will run approximately 1 hour, class size is limited to ensure all recipes are addressed. Cost is $55. Zoom details will be shared after payment is received.
The Vegan Voyage
The 8 key components to go vegan and change the world without the overwhelm, Click the link below to be added to the waitlist.
Membership: Exclusive for students of classes and any series.
A private paid community for the vegan-curious and new vegans to come together and support one another in a safe space. Live calls with Kimberly and other experts, classes, and activities. Join Kimberly for one of her classes, events, one-on-one or group coaching for access to this vibrant community.
One on One Vegan Guidance
Individual sessions and packages available, contact for pricing.